
Curcumin infusion

Brief description of curcumin infusions

Curcumin is extracted from the turmeric plant and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

How does curcumin treatment work against cancer?

Studies have shown that Curcumin has different anti-cancerous characteristics:

  • Having anti-oxidant properties
  • Killing cancer cells and inhibiting their growth
  • Inhibiting the spread of cancerous cells (so-called metastases)
  • Enhancing the immune response and
  • Making chemotherapy more effective

Curcumin treatment is effective against many cancers, such as leukaemia and lymphoma (types of blood cancers), gastrointestinal cancer, urinary tract cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, melanoma, brain cancer, etc.

Anti-oxidant and cell-protectant
 Cell stress is a significant contributing factor to severe cell damage, including DNA damage and mutations, destruction of the cell membrane, and unbalanced cell growth that can lead to the development of cancerous tumours. Curcumin shows antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties that help lower cell stress and the damage caused by it, thus preventing cancer formation in its early stages.
Normalize cell growth
Curcumin infusion restores the unbalanced cell growth caused by DNA damage, inhibits growth factors that help with cancer progression and stimulates genes responsible for cell growth inhibition.
Inhibiting and killing cancer cells

Apoptosis is a scientific term for programmed cell death or the body’s natural way of eliminating damaged cells. Curcumin inhibits cancer progression by initiating the self-destruction of cancer cells and preventing their growth.

Lowers resistance to chemotherapy

Curcumin treatment lowers the chances of cancer creating resistance to chemotherapy and making treatments much more effective.

Inhibits angiogenesis

Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessel formation which plays an essential role in creating blood supply for cancerous tumours. Curcumin can inhibit this process, thus cutting blood supply and directly slowing the growth of these tumours.

Curcumin’s role in local cancer invasion

Curcumin can inhibit specific molecules on the surface of cancer cells called “adhesive molecules” that help these cells invade tissues and further grow. Inhibiting the adhesive molecules help prevent cancer cells from infiltrating healthy tissue.

Curcumin and metastasis

Numerous studies have revealed that Curcumin inhibits the migration and metastasis of cancer cells by modulating various genes and proteins.

Immune system: How Curcumin treatment plays a role

For cancer cells to grow and spread, they must have the ability to hide from the immune system, which would otherwise destroy these damaged cells. That’s why immunotherapy plays a significant role in modern cancer treatment. Curcumin can “enhance immune surveillance” to help the immune system fight against cancer cells.

Chemotherapy: Curcumins’ role in cancer treatment

Cancer stem cells are the foundation cells on which cancer grows, and they are very resistant to therapy. , Curcumin has been shown to specifically target and lower the stem cells’ resistance to chemotherapy and raise treatment efficacy.

Chemotherapy side effects

Besides enhancing the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs, Curcumin also aids in lowering their side effects, resulting in a better quality of life.

Curcumin also has positive effects in combination with radiation therapy. Cancer cells become more sensitive to radiation when treated with Curcumin.

Against which types of cancer can it be used?

Studies have shown that curcumin inhibits the growth of almost all types of cancer.

curcumin infusion